As a planner – whether full time, part time, or “just this time” – it is ultimately our responsibility and duty to keep it all “straight.” Right? After all, that’s usually the primary reason that we’ve been brought onboard!
Aaaah the wonderful world of travel! For many, travel is all about leisure and fun… but for others travel is a necessary evil… a complex labyrinth to learn and navigate for the sake of conducting business. When it comes to meetings and events, travel is often an added layer of complexity on top of something that’s already complex – enough to make your head hurt!
Ok, so this is my absolute favorite topic… seriously. No exaggeration, this stuff gets me all amped up because it’s at the core of what we live for here at Perfection Events – results. Measurable results to be exact.
You see, meetings and events are often at the forefront of any strategy employed to communicate important messages. Think about it:
Well, it’s that time again – we’ve cycled back to contracts! But since there’s so much to discuss (and as I told you, I absolutely LOVE reviewing contracts), it never gets old! So this week, as you can probably guess from the title, we’ll be covering 3 Cs – contracts, concessions and cost.
We hope you’ve been enjoying our Site Visit Checklist Tips this week on our Facebook Page! To add to those staples, I pondered and pondered what great additional revelations I could provide about the somewhat dreaded, but always necessary site visit.
This week’s topic is one of my favorites… there is nothing I enjoy more than that moment – after taking the time to research venues, go on site visits, send out RFPs, accept and/or negotiate a deal – that I receive that first contract for review. Yes, emphasis on first here, because I must say in my career I have never signed the first version of a contract.
Last week we talked about the importance (and simplicity) of goal setting for meetings and events, so to move our conversation forward, this week we’ll delve into how to link those “small picture” goals to the overall “big picture” objectives of your organization.
So, there’s an old adage: “If you aim for nothing, you’ll hit it every time.” I always thought this was just some sly way for parents, teachers… well adults in general to trick me into sharing my goals for the sole purpose of holding me to attaining them. Nonetheless, some 20+ years later I find myself parroting these same words of wisdom to clients, colleagues, friends, and [gasp] even my own children!
We’ve all done it… read the books, attended the seminars, written our lists, and yet most of us still don’t take the time to integrate productivity methods into our daily lives. But the thing is, when our productivity suffers in our professional lives, it directly affects the amount of time we have left for what really matters….
Picture it: Saturday, April-whatever-date, 42 degrees and raining. Surely, we’ve all been told that April showers bring May flowers. Sounds good, makes sense, we can now say we understand the purpose of all the rain coming our way, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s inconvenient, cold, and just plain ole “yucky” to deal with! You’ve got the wardrobe issue – what do you wear that is heavy enough keep you warm, yet light and flexible enough to dry IF you get wet? You’ve got the umbrella issue – which do you carry that’s robust enough to keep you dry, yet not approaching the size of your lawn furniture? You’ve got the hair issue – how do you… um, enough said on that one… you’ve just got issues!